Thursday, July 12, 2007

A look is enough...

You must have noticed that, surfing throught he internet, whatever the purpose - buying something or learning new things, you plunge into an great amount of advertisement. And that's natural to see banners and text...
But what do say about it?

Great, isn't it? A very wise step from the creators of Credit-Land and thet do raise their selling! I think Internet should have more of suchlike ads, making it more interesting for us to surf and easier to make purchasing decisions...


Unknown said...

Pretty nice video.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Wow...that is good.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Hey....we are missing you. Where is the next post??? *grins*

sevon said...

This is flash-based technology? I've not ever seen Windows media objects on web page... intresting.